This past Saturday, the winds of musical change blew through Over Yonder, the renowned other half of Moodright’s Bar. As the rustic ambiance of the venue melded with the anticipation in the air, the Salt Flat Pickers took the stage, not only to serenade the eager crowd but also to debut a new companion – our Myrtle microphone from Ear Trumpet Labs.

The Myrtle, known for its impeccable clarity and vintage charm, didn’t just amplify our instruments; it painted our bluegrass notes with a warmth and character previously unheard. The crowd seemed to lean in, not wanting to miss a single resonating note, a testament to Myrtle’s unparalleled acoustic prowess.

It was a day where technology met tradition, and Over Yonder’s stage bore witness to this perfect union. To those who joined us, thank you for being a part of this unforgettable first foray. For those who missed it, fret not; the Salt Flat Pickers, with Myrtle by our side, will be hitting many more stages soon. Stay tuned and keep pickin’!